Monday, January 29, 2007

Welcome the winning teams for the BU Internal Case Competition!

We are having the final winning teams for the BU Internal Case Competition held last weekend - the same 24 hours format as the official case comp. During the two days internal case competition, each team was doing a great job and the final come out was very great. Many of the judges and participants mentioned to me how impressed they were with the organization and facilitation of the competition.

We sincerely thank all teams and judges participating the internal case competition and gladly to announce the final winning teams as the following.

1st Place (1st Years):
We can't say!

2nd place (2nd Years):
Stephan Boyamian
Charles Fedolfi
Gordon Rowe
Seth Joseph

3rd Place (2nd Years):
Neha Mathur
Mukund Srigopal
Chris Teng
Andrey Tovstukha

Internal Case Competition

The internal competition is over. It will be interesting to hear what four team members have won to represent Boston University School of Management. As for the International Competition, the final list of schools is coming to a final completition. The announcemet as to whom they are should be in the next week or so.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Internal Case Competition is coming tomorrow!

Internal Case Competition is coming tomorrow. Very excited about that!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Internal Case Comp is coming this weekend!

For the long planning date and efforts, we will have the internal case competition in this weekend and will pick up the BU representative team for the official International Tech-Strategy Case Competition.

We are very exciting to have more than 12 teams for the internal competing and already have done the first round selection for the final 12 internal teams. Let's see and expect what we will come out in the Sunday afternoon.